Sunday, June 17, 2012

Last Blog Post!

                I don't really know how to start off my last blog post but here it goes. Having a blog was a lot of fun but also a lot of work. I think this whole experience made me take my reading homework a lot more seriously and also helped me gain more responsibility. Overall I think I did a pretty good job but there was surely a lot of room for improvement. I'm really glad that i got the opportunity to have a blog and to be able to express my opinions and thoughts about my reading. I also really enjoyed having people comment on my post and seeing if they agreed or disagreed with me.
               I think I learned a lot about myself from blogging. I learned that I need to look more into the problems/issues in my books so I can gain a deeper understanding. I also learned that it isn't easy for me at least to keep up with a blog and don't really know if I could handle one after school is over. I always found myself rushing to get them done and then I wouldn't be that happy with them but would have to post them because I didn't have any time left. I also learned that i didn't really take me reading seriously, I think reading should be something people do for fun and not something people do just because they have to blog about it at the end of every week. So I didn't really find myself enjoying the books I was reading as much as I should have.
               I think writing online is way different than writing in my notebook. I felt like I couldn't really express myself as much as I wanted to. I feel that when I write in my notebook is much more personal and i can express my opinions to their entirety, while online I have to think about the other people reading my post and how certain comments might affect them. But I also liked and enjoyed the fact that people could comment on my work. That way I could see if people agreed with me or disagreed and I could also get other peoples points of view and helped me look at my books through different eyes/perspectives.
               I don't think people are more real online. I think sometimes we create fake identities to try and appear something we aren't. I think we do this because we feel we have more power if we hide behind a computer screen. Many people don't really like to express their opinions face to face so they do it through the media and Internet. Sometimes we also create fake identities of ourselves just so we can fit in or to project than we are better than what really project outside in the real world. I think some people do abuse the freedom we get online. Not everyone but many people do, I do believe people say things to people that they would never say if they came face to face with the person. I think people just feel stronger or that they have more courage because no one actually is seeing them type those things to other people. I don't think it's a good thing. I think that if you have something to say to a person there is no reason for you to hide behind a computer screen. Many times people write things online that affect other people a lot and you cant take it back once you've posted it online and then other people see it and they think its okay to abuse a person like that so they follow the trend.
               I don't really imagine myself keeping this blog running. I don't think i could keep up with posting and in general its a lot of work. But I do think blogs are great. They really helped me this year and improved my reading thinking. I think they are a great way to communicate with people and just to express opinions in general so i definitely enjoyed it. I think I will miss having a blog and maybe in the future i could see myself having another one but for right now I think I'm fine where I am.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Should Kiki be punished?

    I've finished my book Kiki Strike finally! While reading Kiki Strike many questions popped into my head. Many of these questions relating back to life and ethics. In the book many choices were made and many laws were broken. One question in particular that pooped into my head was should Kiki be punished for her actions?           Should Kiki be punished for her actions? I really don't know. While thinking about this question I also thought about other people and should people in general be punished for their actions? Kiki made some really weird choices in the book but in the end I noticed that she did it for a good cause. She was trying to prove that she wasn't a bad person and that there were worst people who harmed her and her family a lot. When I think back to that I think she shouldn't be  punished for stealing the money from the Irregulars and for disappearing when she did. But there is also the fact that she left them when try needed her and she never gave them a call or explained why she did what she did.       This relates back to our world and society because there are often people like Kiki and they do the things she does for similar reasons. It may be to help someone else or prove that they aren't really a bad person. But maybe if what they did affected many people in a negative way they should be punished. I'm still not sure whether I would punish or wouldn't punish someone, it would make me think of what would I want if I was in that position and it would also make me think of what kind of person I am.        In all I think that I wouldn't punish Kiki. I think what she was very brave and I admire her for sticking up for her family. Even though she put many people in danger she did save many people too. So therefore she doesn't deserve the punishment. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kiki Strike Returns

   In my book Kiki Strike came back. In the book she comes back and tells the Irregulars that she never meant to leave. She said back when she dis leave she was only thinking about her self and not really paying attention to the people around her. Just like the girls I also have mixed emotions about KiKi coming back. Is she really sorry or does she just want to use the girls again?        When Kiki comes back she tells the girls that she needs their help. She and Ananka both talk to each girl independently. They try to convince the girls that Kiki is sorry for leaving them and stealing the money and that she has changed. I'm really surprised that Ananka accepted  her apology so easily I mean she was the one who said she would never be friends or trust Kiki again. Then since all the Irregulars saw that Ananka had forgiven Kiki they all agreed to help Kiki again. Luz in particular wasn't that happy about having to help Kiki but Kiki said that if Luz didn't she knew many secrets about her that could get Luz in many trouble. That right there makes me very suspicious about Kiki's true intentions.            I honestly don't really believe Kiki has changed. I think she just came back because if she said she was sorry and made up a story that made her seem innocent everyone would forgive her. Also when she came back she stated that she need help to uncover something. But on the other hand I'm also wondering if maybe I'm judging Kiki too quickly and hard. But what she did to the girls was uncalled for. You just don't leave your "friends" when they most need you. Also she took the money that they were all going to split.  That just shows that she isn't a good friend and she doesn't care about the girls.         I guess we won't really know if Kiki is lying or not unroll the end of the book. I personally wouldn't trust her but you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I guess the reason Ananka forgave Kiki was because she wants to see if Kiki really changed and if she hasn't she won't hesitate to go the police. I can't wait to finish the book and see if Kiki has actually changed or is just using them again. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kiki Strike

    In my book many changes have occur and we have discovered that not everyone is what they seem. Kiki Strike is a completely different person and is nothing like what she is describe as in the beginning of the book.       Kiki is mean and all she wanted was money and riches. I've also found out that Kiki wanted to break into the Princess house. Also another thing in the book that shows me that she was only interested in the money is that when DeeDee got into that terrible accident she didn't even go with the Irregulars to the hospital! She disappeared and so did the money that they had found. Also she was so desperate to find one the doors in the Shadow City which led to the Princess house. She also changed from being nice and caring to mean and selfish. She started turning grumpy and yelling at everyone and acting like she was the leader. She also became very selfish, it seemed as though she was only using the girls for their gifts and not because she genuinely wanted to share this experience with them.       I think it was very wrong of Kiki. She was basically using everyone and at the end when they needed her help she left. She back stabbed and she turned into a selfish little girl. I think everyone in the book finally realized that and hopefully they won't be her friends anymore. My perspective of Kiki changed completely and personally I really don't like her anymore. I thought she had made the whole group because she wanted to help the girls but clearly I was wrong and so were the girls for believing in her.        In conclusion we can clearly see how much Kiki has changed. She became mean and was only posing for the camera. I wanted to scream at her because when they needed her the most she left. That just goes to show how bad of friend she is and how can't take responsibility for her actions. It's pretty sad really. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What's happening in Kiki Strike and my predictions

   I'm still currently reading Kiki Strike which so far has been great. They are finally ready to go and look and explore The Shadow City. But in order to do that they had to prepare and ran into some obstacles along the way. One of the recruits in particular was feeling a little uncomfortable about the whole situation. Luz Gonzales didn't feel that comfortable sneaking into Con Edison to get the map of all the water pipes and gas pipes under ground. She was already on probation with the cops and if she was caught doing anything else that wasn't correct she would get put in jail. But in the end she agreed and didn't get caught.        Also other things they needed to do to get ready to explore Shadow City was to read and get information on how to pick locks, build explosives, design disguises and lastly rats. All these things were crucial to the exploration because they needed to be prepared and know how to do certain stuff. Like picking locks so they could get into secret passage ways and also rats so they wouldn't be affected by them and then it would slow down their exploration. Each girl in the Irregulars which is what they called themselves was assigned a role. One girl was a master of disguises so she was in charged of making coagulate and so on. Finally when they had done their research and gathered all their materials they were able to go explore.          My predictions for the rest of the book are, I feel like they might discover secrets that could be hidden down there. Just like in movies when you go exploring something or someplace there is always this huge mystery and secret behind it. Also I think someone mine intervene someone outside of their group and they might have to figure out a way to continue with the exploration without getting caught. I also think they will run into a lot of obstacles while trying to reach Shadow City and overall I just think there are going to be many problems. Maybe even like trust issues can they trust everyone in the group or will there be like traitors or something.       I'm really excited to keep reading and see how everything unfolds. So far the book has been great and I've really enjoyed it. I would like to see if the author of this book has wrote anymore stories because I find this one quite interesting. Greta book can't wait to finish it. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kiki and Ananka's personalities and relationship compare and contrast

     In my book Kiki Strike: Inside Shadow City by Kristen Miller the main character Ananka sees a girl named Kiki Strike who is very mysterious and manages to go unnoticed for a while. To Ananka she is such an amazing and interesting character that Ananka even starts following her around. Eventually Ananka gets caught by Kiki and they become friends. Kiki is a very quiet, mysterious character she is also very secretive and dark it seems as though she is hiding a deep secret and if it gets out  the world could end. Ananka on the other hand is different she is very curious she isn't as mysterious and seems like a very adventurous person even though she doesn't really feel like she is important at all. I think that is what makes their friendship or partnership work.           Kiki Strike isn't trying to fit in, she isn't like most girls she isn't worried about what she wears or what she does, she is just a normal girl living her life very low key. I say low key because nobody at Atlanta School for girls really knew her until Ananka saw her and then only Ananka knew about her. She always manages to disappear or just never be around so nobody ever really even notices that she there. Ananka is different, I guess you could say that she does want to fit in and that she doesn't like to just be a plain girl and not be able to fit in a group. She is like many girls today worried about their appearance and wether or not they get picked on. She is similar to Kiki is that she is pretty low key too. She tries not to get in anyones  way so that they don't pick on her. She is also similar to Kiki in that they both are sort of adventurous. They both found Shadow city which no one else knows about. And then when Kiki and Ananka meet they both decide they are going to try and find another way to get Shadow city and explore it. So Ananka and Kiki are similar but are also very different.         Both girls are very different but that is what makes their friendship work. Kiki mysteriousness and Ananka's adventurous personality both help them recruit people to explore Shadow  City. Kiki helps keep it a secret and Ananka has that drive to discover and explore Shadow city that they work great together. Their friendship is very unique I would say because now in days people aren't really friends with people who have different personalities.  We are so use to trying to fit in with a group that we forget who we truly are and with these girls it's different they can still be friends even though they are very different. I wish I could be like that but I know I'm not and I don't think anyone really is.          In conclusion we can see how Kiki and Ananka are very different but also similar. We also see how their different personalities and characteristics help their friendship and partnership. Also we can see how their friendship is very different from friendships today. I can't wait to see how this all unfolds and how they work together to discover and explore Shadow City. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012


   I'm currently reading Emma a book by Jane Austen. In the book Emma is the fun witty character who is crazy and outgoing. She loves to help others and isn't afraid to express herself. She is a matchmaker and just a happy person in general. 
     In the book Emma helps many people find love. She feels that everyone needs a soulmate and deserves to be happy. I totally agree with her, she thinks love makes everything better and it's true. It can change a person and make them feel happier and just live a happy life in general. She also is a very family oriented person. She always dines with her father and just loves to spend time with  the people around her. I really love that Jane Austen gave her these traits because it just makes the book more exciting and makes the reader actually want to keep reading the book. 
     Emma is very different from many people I know. I wish I could be like her I would never be able to be so outgoing like her I would be rather shy and not be able to talk and speak my mind. The only place I could be compared to Emma would be in the family part I'm very close to my family just like Emma. Something else that me and Emma don't have in common is the love match maker thing I don't think anyone really is. But Emma is and that's what makes her so fun and you want to keep reading about her. 
     I can't wait to continue reading the book. So far I really like it and Kane Austen has done a great job in describing Emma. The book is amazing and I feel like anyone would enjoy it I certainly am. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Appreciation for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    I finished reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. At the end Edmund learned a lesson and they defected the witch. I really enjoyed the book and recommend that everyone read it because it's certainly an entertaining book.
     I really enjoyed the book I thought it was well written and anyone can read it. I enjoyed how at the end Edmund learned a lesson, he learned to care for other people and how to not fall for what people promise him and not to get fooled by the materialistic things in life. Everyone came together in the end as a family and defeated the witch, that's something I really liked. I also enjoyed all the detail the book had when describing the characters. It made me get a better understanding of the people in the book and what they looked like. I also liked the ending, the way the way the author made them go back through the wardrobe and when they get out of Narnia they have only been gone for a couple of minutes when in Narnia it was years. I also loved that she gave us a glimpse of what they did in Narnia and didn't just end it when they won the battle. Also at the end when there was that little part of them talking to the professor and how he told them that they would find themselves in Narnia when they least expect it, it almost made it seem like he had also visited in Narnia. These were some aspects that I enjoyed from the book.
     Some things that I didn't like  would be the lack of dialogue. I would have liked it better if their was more dialogue so we could get to see how the characters interacted with each other. I also didn't really like the beginning I would have liked if the author would have given me a little more background on the characters. We could have gotten to know them better and I could have understood why certain characters took the actions they took. But other than that the book was great and I really enjoyed it. 
      I can't wait to keep reading the rest of the books. I want to see if they ever go back to Narnia and of they do, do they go back and are they the same age as when they left or younger. I also wonder if any more evil characters appear and what happens then. Do they ever see Aslan again? The book was great and I recommend it to anyone. It's definitely a classic in my opinion. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Continuing The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

   In my book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, they have finally entered Narnia and they have now met Aslan who is like the king of Narnia. Edmund finally realized that the White Witch is really evil and that he should have never traits his brothers and sisters. All the character are growing and learning and I'm almost at the part where they are about to have the huge battle with the witch.
       When Edmund finally realized the witch was evil he felt really bad. He noticed that she really wants nice and that he got fooled by The things she gave him and the promises she made him. The witch was just going to use him as bait to catch Lucy, Susan and Peter so that this prophecy can't be fulfilled. The prophecy states that when four humans sit at the Cair parvel the white witch's rule over Narnia ends and she doesn't want that. But her plan failed because the good animals all rescued Edmund and bring him back safe and sound. I think this made Edmund realize that there are actual nice genuine people in the world and that you shouldn't always believe what other people tell you. 
    I think that later in the book the white witches' rule Over Narnia will end. I think that the four children will defeat her. Hopefully they will have Aslan by their side, I said hopefully because when Peter asked him in the book he said I can't promise you anything. I wonder if it has to do with what he talked with the white witch. Did they make a deal that will make him disappear or something. I wonder if Aslan isn't by their side will they be able to defeat the witch? Will Peter be brave enough? I personally think will but you never know I will just have to wait and see.
      In all the book so far has been really good, I have enjoyed it a lot and can't wait to see how it ends. I wonder if each character will gain something like bravery or confidence. Will they all learn a lesson and learn not to trust every person that offers them something. I can't wait to keep reading and see. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Edmund from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

  I'm currently reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and I've noticed that one of the three children doesn't really get along with the other three as well. Edmund has his own idea of what is right and fooled by the White Witch he only cares about Turkish delight and wants to be king so that he can make  his brother and sisters do what he wants. 
    Edmund is really rotten. He is mean and a big bully especially to Lucy the littlest of them all. He also goes to Narnia but makes believe he didn't so that he can be king and so that the queen will give him more sweets. He is self fish and doesn't care for anything other than himself. I wouldn't really like to be related to him because he isn't a good brother and he doesn't care or appreciate the love his siblings give him and he doesn't appreciate that they were able to get away from the war and are now safe.
    The others are very different from Edmund they are nice and caring. Lucy is very truthful and when Edmund said she was lying about seeing him in Narnia it really hurt her because she knew she wasn't lying! The oldest ones are also very non selfish they care about each other and want to protect each  other. They protect Lucy from Edmund's bullying and being mean to her. I wonder of Edmund is like ghat because he jealous of Lucy being the youngest which means he doesn't get as much attention as he did before and that's what he is lacking. Or is it just that he just enjoys being mean.
     At the end I think he will learn a lesson. Something will happen to him to make him realize that he was being mean and self fish and that you shouldn't believe in someone just because they give you what you want. I guess I will have to keep reading in order to find out. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Appreciation for The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

   I just finished reading The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. I really enjoyed, this book because it was very different from any other book I've ever read. It was suspenseful it had a lot of mystery and it was just a very intriguing book. I also enjoyed the book because the author added his voice to book. 
       What I liked the most about the book was that it was told from all the characters point of view it helps the reader understand what's going on in the mind of the character and the problems the characters had. I also like how the author add definitions of different words which allowed me to understand what a word or certain sentence meant. Another thing I also  liked was that everything was very detailed you could really understand the problems the characters were in. I thought this was a really unique book because you never really see an author put himself in the actual story and actual talk to the readers through out the book and that is something really interesting and when they do that the reader understands the book way better. 
     There weren't really many things I would change in the book. I would have enjoyed more dialogue I felt it lacked dialogue because basically the author would write a lot about what the characters thought. If there were more dialogue we would have understood better the relationships between the characters. I would also have enjoyed the author to stretch out the climax more I felt he kind of rushed through the parts too quickly and the resolution at the end was really short an there wasn't a lot of detail. I also thought that at the beginning  of the book the author should have introduced the parents of the kids so we could get a sense of how they acted and how they had raised the children. 
    Overall the book was great.
I can't wait to continue reading more books in the series. I defunding recommend the book it defunding was one of those books that when you pick it up you never want to put down. It was easy to understand and you got to see the perspective of everyone in the story an what they were thinking.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Bad Beginnings: problems with characters at the beginning of the book

   I recently started reading The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. the book is about three children named Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire. Their parents die in a fire and they are forced to go live with a distant relative named Count Olaf who treats them horrible and just takes them in because he wants the family fortune.
    When the Baudelaire go to live with Count Olaf, they get treated horribly and are forced to do things that are not meant for children. He makes them cook, clean and forces them to live in a small room with only one bed. They have to make a be for Sunny out of curtains and Violet and Klaus have to take turns sleeping in the bed. I seriously think Count Olaf should go to jail for treating the kids so unfair. They shouldn't be forced to clean and cook for Count Olaf because they are just kids. They also shouldn't be sleeping in those unsanitary conditions. if I were them I would run away and go to an orphanage, at least there they would get treated better than why they get treated with Count Olaf. 
     The worst part of all is that Count Olaf is just doing it to get the money that the Baudelaire inherited. Count Olaf just cares about himself and will do anything to get it. I think that he will even get to a point  where if the only way to get the money is to kill them he would. I would never do that to anyone it's a horrible thing to do. They are just kids and shouldn't have to be owing through all this stress and worry. That just shows that Count Olaf doesn't have a heart he is selfish and a meanie. 
    I can't wait to see what happens next. I wonder if they stay with Olaf or if they escape? What if they do escape will Olaf chase after them? I personally think they do escape but who knows anything can happen.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

MockingJay Appreciation!

    I just finished reading MockingJay which by the way was an incredible book. I never thought I would actually enjoy reading, but I was wrong it was really good and the author did a perfect job!
      I liked a lot of things about the book. I liked how the characters were very detailed and you could easily understand them and sometimes even relate to them. I also liked how well the setting was described, I could easily picture where everything was placed and it made it better for me to make a movie in my head. The way the book was organized was also really good. You understand the problem was leading to the problem and how it was resolved. The was complete and I could understand and sometimes I felt like I was actually in the story and when you can do that you know you are reading a good written book. 
      Something I would have changed would have to be how a lot of the book talked about Katniss and her relationship with Gale and Peeta. I would have also liked if the book were told from different perspective it would have made the book a little more interesting. Also I would have liked to have known more about the small characters even though they were small not really big characters they were very important to the book. But I think the book over all was amazing.
      I would definitely recommend this book to another person. It was a very good book because it had a lot of details and you knew exactly was happening when you were reading. It was also good because it made you think about the problems happening and it made you think about how the world would be if we were in a war and everything that happened in the book were to happen in the real world. Over all a fabulous book! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Katniss problems right now toward the end of the book.

I'm currently at the end of MockingJay and the rebels have been training to defeat the Capitol. But their is a twist Coin has now sent Peeta to the Capitol where Katniss her squad and other squads have been shooting propos to show that the rebels are ready to take on the Capitol. The only reason Coin sent Peeta is because she wants Katniss dead. But if Katniss dies Coin's chances of defeating the Capitol are pretty much over.
    Coin sees Katniss as a threat. She knows that Katniss being the MockingJay has great influence over the people of Panem, and that if they defeat the Capitol and it's time to pick new leader or decide who is charge Katniss will have great influence over the people. If Katniss suggest a person they will probably go with who she chose because she is the MockingJay and defeated Snow. So Coin only used Katniss to het what she wanted, she wanted Katniss to unite the districts so that they could defeat the Capitol and then she wanted Katniss dead. And who better than Peeta to do it. I think that was a very bad move on Coin's part. Didn't she know that Katniss was going to figure it out sooner or later. Sending Peeta was a bad choice because that was the main clue that Coin wanted Katniss dead. Peeta hates Katniss and will do anything to kill her, which is good for Coin but also gives her plan away.
    Right now Katniss needs to take control. She already knows Coin's plan and right bow is not the time to follow orders. She needs to go to the Snow's headquarters and defeat him. She has the Holo which is what
She wanted all along now she just be careful and make sure that she can get to Snow without anything standing in her way. She needs to put Peeta aside she needs to focus on what is really important eight now and then go back to the things affecting her personal life. That is what I would do if I were on her shoes. Take control and complete my mission which in her case is kill Snow. 
     Katniss is caught up in too much drama. She has a lot of pressure. But she needs to put that at the back of her mind. She is the MockingJay and is suppose to be the one that will kill Snow so that they don't have to live under his rules anymore. I think she it time for her to think her plan through and go through with it then she can also think about how to deal with Coin who has now also become her enemy. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

MockingJay: Katniss torn between Peeta and Gale

    In the book MockingJay by Suzanne Collins, Katniss is torn between two guys Peeta and Gale. She loves both but whenever she is one she feels bad about the other. She will never be able to love Gale because she will always be tied to Peeta. 
     Peeta has now been rescued from the Capitol but appears to have been brainwashed by president Snow so that he thinks that Katniss is the enemy and he wants to kill her. Katniss has now decided that she needs to get far away from Peeta so that he can recover. But everyday she thinks about him because she  loves him and she can't forget him. I would feel the same way I would have done the same. If I love someone but I know that my being close to them could affect not only their health but my safety I would get away from them. It would hurt me inside but I know I'm helping them. 
     Katniss also has feelings for Gale. She kisses him but inside she knows she could never love him because she is too attached to Peeta. But Gale loves her and knows that he could never be with her and he respects her. I personally think Katniss should stay with Gale, he protects her and is always there when she needs him. But also when you think about Katniss and Gale you can't help but think about how she is betraying Peeta in a way. But right now I think she should also distance herself from Gale so that she can focus on defeating the Capitol.
    In the end I think that Katniss needs to clear her mind and decide who she really loves and wants to be with. She also needs to get away from that boy drama because it's affecting how she takes her duties as the mockingjay. I feel she has alot of pressure on her right now and she needs space to think. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mocking Jay: Katniss's personality

     I'm still currently reading Mocking Jay. Right now katniss has defended the rebels in district 8 when the Capitol decided to throw bombs to destroy a hospital mission accomplished. I noticed that Katniss can be very courageous and that sometimes when she disobeys orders she is doing the correct thing. She is a very strong and brave person in front of Coin and the others but she really has a soft side. 
    When Katniss disobeyed Haymitch she proved that she cared about the rebels and that she cared for the people in the hospital. I thought that showed her commitment to the rebels. She is also not afraid to go in to combat if necessary. I felt really sad because what the capitol was doing to that poor hospital was very cruel. The people in the hospital were already wounded and probably weren't going to survive much longer so why not let them die at their own time. I also thought that Haymitch shouldn't have been mad at Katniss she was trying to defend her people isn't that why they wanted her to be the mocking jay? Her choice showed me that sometimes we need to do what we feel is right and maybe disobeying Haymitch wasn't such a bad thing. 
     Katniss has a soft side tagt she doesnt show. In the book when she saw Peeta, and saw that he was all skinny and looked like he had been tortured she felt sad. They describe her as sad but I would say that anger would have been a better way to describe her in the book. I would have felt the same way because to see someone that you love and know that they are or might me tortured and they aren't getting fed correctly it would break my heart. She looks like she has everything under control but I believe that in the inside she must be confused, heart broken and not sure if what she is doing and every step she is taking is the correct one. 
    I want to see Katniss open up and not just be strong I want to see how she really is inside. Katniss is a great person to learn from because she makes decisions and sometimes she makes the correct one and sometimes she may not have done the best thing. I feel that she needs to open up to the people around her and make sure
she can rely on everyone not just Gale and her team. She still has a lot of growing up to do and she needs to stop blaming herself for everything bad that happens.  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Mockingjay: Katniss the protagonist

    I’m currently reading The Mocking jay which is the last book in the Hunger Games series. The main character katniss has just agreed to be the mocking jay, but has made a few requests to the president of the rebels.
    Katniss has agreed to be the mocking jay as long as she get granted certain wishes you may call them. She has asked that her cat or Prim's cat be allowed to stay with them in district 13. She has also requested that she and Gale who is like her partner be allowed to hunt outside and that Gale assist her and help her whenever she needs help and to be by her side when in the war. She also wants the rebel to assure her that Pieta will be granted immunity if they win the war. Pieta is katniss lover and he is currently being held by the capitol but is considered a traitor for helping the capitol instead of the rebels. Peeta is doing the same as katniss trying to keep her alive by saying that she is pregnant with his child. She has also asked that she be the one to kill Snow why is the president of the capitol.
     I think that what katniss has requested is reasonable. katniss request all have a purpose she wants to keep her loved ones alive and make sure that the rebels win the war. I would have definitely asked for Peeta’s immunity especially if it’s someone that I love. I thought it was really nice that she asked for Buttercup to stay with her family because that is err sisters cat and that means a toy to her sister. I also think that it’s right that she asked for the right to kill snow because she is the one risking her life and if the rebels win they would have won because of her of course she would have had help but mostly it’s her. Snow has done many bad things and deserves no condolences.
    In all I think that Katniss decision to become the mocking jay was a smart choice. She will now help her family and everyone who was affected by Snow. I would have done the same thing as her. I really can’t wait to see how everything turns out for her and see if they do win and are able to defeat the capitol. I also can’t wait to see if Katniss and Peeta stay together. I recommend this book to other people even tough I just started reading it is amazing and wonderful.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Response to Farha's Post!

  I am writing a response to Farah’s post about the book Girl in Translation. When reading her bog post I noticed that I had the same thoughts and feeling/emotions while reading this book. I agree with Farha 100%. The book is touching and i like how Farha compared it to her life.
     I agree with Farha because she points out how Kim's aunt can be very cruel and that putting her sister in an apartment that did not meet the requirements for a safe home is absurd! I actually noticed that Farha said that the aunt wanted to make Kim and her mom regret coming to America and i never thought of it that way. I really thought that was an interesting way to put the way the aunt treats them. After reading that part of the post it started to make more sense and that probably was the reason why Kim and her mom get treated so badly.
     Farha also pointed out that the teacher was mean to Kim and that was one of the main points in my post. i really liked when she said that maybe the teacher only saw what he wanted to see a dumb girl who will probably get nowhere in life. But if he took the time to actually help her then he would realize that she amazingly smart and she wants to learn. i also thought about how the teacher was being rude to one of his students, teachers are suppose to be there to teach and help the student not lower their self esteem.
       I also really enjoyed how she compared the book to her life. I liked how she said that no matter how annoying her brother was she would never treat him like Kim's aunt treats Kim. It’s the same with me i love my brother even though he can get on my nerves. I felt very sad for Kim's mom because her own sister doesn't love her and she is too blind to see it. if i noticed that one of my family members put in a crappy apartment because they didn't love me trust me I wouldn't talk to them anymore i would try to get a job and move out because those living conditions are horrible you wouldn't wish your worst enemy that.
        Over all I really enjoyed her blog post. She made me realize things I hadn't about the book. I liked that she was able to include something from her life. She really thought about Kim and how she was getting treated so badly. I would definitely reread the book because I noticed many things from farhas post that hadn’t before and that way maybe I could understand the book better.

 Farha's incredible blog post!