Sunday, June 17, 2012

Last Blog Post!

                I don't really know how to start off my last blog post but here it goes. Having a blog was a lot of fun but also a lot of work. I think this whole experience made me take my reading homework a lot more seriously and also helped me gain more responsibility. Overall I think I did a pretty good job but there was surely a lot of room for improvement. I'm really glad that i got the opportunity to have a blog and to be able to express my opinions and thoughts about my reading. I also really enjoyed having people comment on my post and seeing if they agreed or disagreed with me.
               I think I learned a lot about myself from blogging. I learned that I need to look more into the problems/issues in my books so I can gain a deeper understanding. I also learned that it isn't easy for me at least to keep up with a blog and don't really know if I could handle one after school is over. I always found myself rushing to get them done and then I wouldn't be that happy with them but would have to post them because I didn't have any time left. I also learned that i didn't really take me reading seriously, I think reading should be something people do for fun and not something people do just because they have to blog about it at the end of every week. So I didn't really find myself enjoying the books I was reading as much as I should have.
               I think writing online is way different than writing in my notebook. I felt like I couldn't really express myself as much as I wanted to. I feel that when I write in my notebook is much more personal and i can express my opinions to their entirety, while online I have to think about the other people reading my post and how certain comments might affect them. But I also liked and enjoyed the fact that people could comment on my work. That way I could see if people agreed with me or disagreed and I could also get other peoples points of view and helped me look at my books through different eyes/perspectives.
               I don't think people are more real online. I think sometimes we create fake identities to try and appear something we aren't. I think we do this because we feel we have more power if we hide behind a computer screen. Many people don't really like to express their opinions face to face so they do it through the media and Internet. Sometimes we also create fake identities of ourselves just so we can fit in or to project than we are better than what really project outside in the real world. I think some people do abuse the freedom we get online. Not everyone but many people do, I do believe people say things to people that they would never say if they came face to face with the person. I think people just feel stronger or that they have more courage because no one actually is seeing them type those things to other people. I don't think it's a good thing. I think that if you have something to say to a person there is no reason for you to hide behind a computer screen. Many times people write things online that affect other people a lot and you cant take it back once you've posted it online and then other people see it and they think its okay to abuse a person like that so they follow the trend.
               I don't really imagine myself keeping this blog running. I don't think i could keep up with posting and in general its a lot of work. But I do think blogs are great. They really helped me this year and improved my reading thinking. I think they are a great way to communicate with people and just to express opinions in general so i definitely enjoyed it. I think I will miss having a blog and maybe in the future i could see myself having another one but for right now I think I'm fine where I am.


  1. I don't think anyone would actually continue to blog anymore @-@. Anyways, I think you're right about how people may act less realistic to try to appear something they aren't because anyone can just pretend to be someone else online. I'll miss you T^T...

  2. I know and yea people just use the internet as a mask they can wear and act like a different person so they can say all the things they can't in real life. I'll miss you too!!!!!
