Sunday, May 27, 2012

Should Kiki be punished?

    I've finished my book Kiki Strike finally! While reading Kiki Strike many questions popped into my head. Many of these questions relating back to life and ethics. In the book many choices were made and many laws were broken. One question in particular that pooped into my head was should Kiki be punished for her actions?           Should Kiki be punished for her actions? I really don't know. While thinking about this question I also thought about other people and should people in general be punished for their actions? Kiki made some really weird choices in the book but in the end I noticed that she did it for a good cause. She was trying to prove that she wasn't a bad person and that there were worst people who harmed her and her family a lot. When I think back to that I think she shouldn't be  punished for stealing the money from the Irregulars and for disappearing when she did. But there is also the fact that she left them when try needed her and she never gave them a call or explained why she did what she did.       This relates back to our world and society because there are often people like Kiki and they do the things she does for similar reasons. It may be to help someone else or prove that they aren't really a bad person. But maybe if what they did affected many people in a negative way they should be punished. I'm still not sure whether I would punish or wouldn't punish someone, it would make me think of what would I want if I was in that position and it would also make me think of what kind of person I am.        In all I think that I wouldn't punish Kiki. I think what she was very brave and I admire her for sticking up for her family. Even though she put many people in danger she did save many people too. So therefore she doesn't deserve the punishment. 


  1. good post, great way of connecting it to your philosophy question and trying to answer it yourself. Great post

  2. i agree, amy! great thinking. try to break it into paragraphs, though. . .
