Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kiki Strike

    In my book many changes have occur and we have discovered that not everyone is what they seem. Kiki Strike is a completely different person and is nothing like what she is describe as in the beginning of the book.       Kiki is mean and all she wanted was money and riches. I've also found out that Kiki wanted to break into the Princess house. Also another thing in the book that shows me that she was only interested in the money is that when DeeDee got into that terrible accident she didn't even go with the Irregulars to the hospital! She disappeared and so did the money that they had found. Also she was so desperate to find one the doors in the Shadow City which led to the Princess house. She also changed from being nice and caring to mean and selfish. She started turning grumpy and yelling at everyone and acting like she was the leader. She also became very selfish, it seemed as though she was only using the girls for their gifts and not because she genuinely wanted to share this experience with them.       I think it was very wrong of Kiki. She was basically using everyone and at the end when they needed her help she left. She back stabbed and she turned into a selfish little girl. I think everyone in the book finally realized that and hopefully they won't be her friends anymore. My perspective of Kiki changed completely and personally I really don't like her anymore. I thought she had made the whole group because she wanted to help the girls but clearly I was wrong and so were the girls for believing in her.        In conclusion we can clearly see how much Kiki has changed. She became mean and was only posing for the camera. I wanted to scream at her because when they needed her the most she left. That just goes to show how bad of friend she is and how can't take responsibility for her actions. It's pretty sad really. 

1 comment:

  1. I like this blog post! You first analyzed the character and how they changed. That is good enough, because you went really deep into Kiki Strike. In addition to that, I liked how you also added your feelings. Like when you liked Kiki and when you didn't and how you felt about her. Nice job!
