Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What's happening in Kiki Strike and my predictions

   I'm still currently reading Kiki Strike which so far has been great. They are finally ready to go and look and explore The Shadow City. But in order to do that they had to prepare and ran into some obstacles along the way. One of the recruits in particular was feeling a little uncomfortable about the whole situation. Luz Gonzales didn't feel that comfortable sneaking into Con Edison to get the map of all the water pipes and gas pipes under ground. She was already on probation with the cops and if she was caught doing anything else that wasn't correct she would get put in jail. But in the end she agreed and didn't get caught.        Also other things they needed to do to get ready to explore Shadow City was to read and get information on how to pick locks, build explosives, design disguises and lastly rats. All these things were crucial to the exploration because they needed to be prepared and know how to do certain stuff. Like picking locks so they could get into secret passage ways and also rats so they wouldn't be affected by them and then it would slow down their exploration. Each girl in the Irregulars which is what they called themselves was assigned a role. One girl was a master of disguises so she was in charged of making coagulate and so on. Finally when they had done their research and gathered all their materials they were able to go explore.          My predictions for the rest of the book are, I feel like they might discover secrets that could be hidden down there. Just like in movies when you go exploring something or someplace there is always this huge mystery and secret behind it. Also I think someone mine intervene someone outside of their group and they might have to figure out a way to continue with the exploration without getting caught. I also think they will run into a lot of obstacles while trying to reach Shadow City and overall I just think there are going to be many problems. Maybe even like trust issues can they trust everyone in the group or will there be like traitors or something.       I'm really excited to keep reading and see how everything unfolds. So far the book has been great and I've really enjoyed it. I would like to see if the author of this book has wrote anymore stories because I find this one quite interesting. Greta book can't wait to finish it. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post! These are very interesting predictions. I like how you make an inference of how the rest of the book will turn out. I think the book sounds interesting and intriguing. I also like how you relate the book to real life. I think that you did a really great job on showing why you think stuff can happen in the future of your book.
