Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Mockingjay: Katniss the protagonist

    I’m currently reading The Mocking jay which is the last book in the Hunger Games series. The main character katniss has just agreed to be the mocking jay, but has made a few requests to the president of the rebels.
    Katniss has agreed to be the mocking jay as long as she get granted certain wishes you may call them. She has asked that her cat or Prim's cat be allowed to stay with them in district 13. She has also requested that she and Gale who is like her partner be allowed to hunt outside and that Gale assist her and help her whenever she needs help and to be by her side when in the war. She also wants the rebel to assure her that Pieta will be granted immunity if they win the war. Pieta is katniss lover and he is currently being held by the capitol but is considered a traitor for helping the capitol instead of the rebels. Peeta is doing the same as katniss trying to keep her alive by saying that she is pregnant with his child. She has also asked that she be the one to kill Snow why is the president of the capitol.
     I think that what katniss has requested is reasonable. katniss request all have a purpose she wants to keep her loved ones alive and make sure that the rebels win the war. I would have definitely asked for Peeta’s immunity especially if it’s someone that I love. I thought it was really nice that she asked for Buttercup to stay with her family because that is err sisters cat and that means a toy to her sister. I also think that it’s right that she asked for the right to kill snow because she is the one risking her life and if the rebels win they would have won because of her of course she would have had help but mostly it’s her. Snow has done many bad things and deserves no condolences.
    In all I think that Katniss decision to become the mocking jay was a smart choice. She will now help her family and everyone who was affected by Snow. I would have done the same thing as her. I really can’t wait to see how everything turns out for her and see if they do win and are able to defeat the capitol. I also can’t wait to see if Katniss and Peeta stay together. I recommend this book to other people even tough I just started reading it is amazing and wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Good post! I read all of these books and I love them. I like how after you stated what Katniss did, and what her terms were to agree to be the Mockingjay, you say what you think the reason behind each choice is, as well as your personal opinions on what you would have done in that case.
