Thursday, January 5, 2012

Response to Farha's Post!

  I am writing a response to Farah’s post about the book Girl in Translation. When reading her bog post I noticed that I had the same thoughts and feeling/emotions while reading this book. I agree with Farha 100%. The book is touching and i like how Farha compared it to her life.
     I agree with Farha because she points out how Kim's aunt can be very cruel and that putting her sister in an apartment that did not meet the requirements for a safe home is absurd! I actually noticed that Farha said that the aunt wanted to make Kim and her mom regret coming to America and i never thought of it that way. I really thought that was an interesting way to put the way the aunt treats them. After reading that part of the post it started to make more sense and that probably was the reason why Kim and her mom get treated so badly.
     Farha also pointed out that the teacher was mean to Kim and that was one of the main points in my post. i really liked when she said that maybe the teacher only saw what he wanted to see a dumb girl who will probably get nowhere in life. But if he took the time to actually help her then he would realize that she amazingly smart and she wants to learn. i also thought about how the teacher was being rude to one of his students, teachers are suppose to be there to teach and help the student not lower their self esteem.
       I also really enjoyed how she compared the book to her life. I liked how she said that no matter how annoying her brother was she would never treat him like Kim's aunt treats Kim. It’s the same with me i love my brother even though he can get on my nerves. I felt very sad for Kim's mom because her own sister doesn't love her and she is too blind to see it. if i noticed that one of my family members put in a crappy apartment because they didn't love me trust me I wouldn't talk to them anymore i would try to get a job and move out because those living conditions are horrible you wouldn't wish your worst enemy that.
        Over all I really enjoyed her blog post. She made me realize things I hadn't about the book. I liked that she was able to include something from her life. She really thought about Kim and how she was getting treated so badly. I would definitely reread the book because I noticed many things from farhas post that hadn’t before and that way maybe I could understand the book better.

 Farha's incredible blog post!

1 comment:

  1. good review, the book seems more interesting to me now. It seems as if the character has many up and down conflicts that seem relatable,maybe not in the same exact position as her
