Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mocking Jay: Katniss's personality

     I'm still currently reading Mocking Jay. Right now katniss has defended the rebels in district 8 when the Capitol decided to throw bombs to destroy a hospital mission accomplished. I noticed that Katniss can be very courageous and that sometimes when she disobeys orders she is doing the correct thing. She is a very strong and brave person in front of Coin and the others but she really has a soft side. 
    When Katniss disobeyed Haymitch she proved that she cared about the rebels and that she cared for the people in the hospital. I thought that showed her commitment to the rebels. She is also not afraid to go in to combat if necessary. I felt really sad because what the capitol was doing to that poor hospital was very cruel. The people in the hospital were already wounded and probably weren't going to survive much longer so why not let them die at their own time. I also thought that Haymitch shouldn't have been mad at Katniss she was trying to defend her people isn't that why they wanted her to be the mocking jay? Her choice showed me that sometimes we need to do what we feel is right and maybe disobeying Haymitch wasn't such a bad thing. 
     Katniss has a soft side tagt she doesnt show. In the book when she saw Peeta, and saw that he was all skinny and looked like he had been tortured she felt sad. They describe her as sad but I would say that anger would have been a better way to describe her in the book. I would have felt the same way because to see someone that you love and know that they are or might me tortured and they aren't getting fed correctly it would break my heart. She looks like she has everything under control but I believe that in the inside she must be confused, heart broken and not sure if what she is doing and every step she is taking is the correct one. 
    I want to see Katniss open up and not just be strong I want to see how she really is inside. Katniss is a great person to learn from because she makes decisions and sometimes she makes the correct one and sometimes she may not have done the best thing. I feel that she needs to open up to the people around her and make sure
she can rely on everyone not just Gale and her team. She still has a lot of growing up to do and she needs to stop blaming herself for everything bad that happens.  

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