Thursday, March 22, 2012

Appreciation for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    I finished reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. At the end Edmund learned a lesson and they defected the witch. I really enjoyed the book and recommend that everyone read it because it's certainly an entertaining book.
     I really enjoyed the book I thought it was well written and anyone can read it. I enjoyed how at the end Edmund learned a lesson, he learned to care for other people and how to not fall for what people promise him and not to get fooled by the materialistic things in life. Everyone came together in the end as a family and defeated the witch, that's something I really liked. I also enjoyed all the detail the book had when describing the characters. It made me get a better understanding of the people in the book and what they looked like. I also liked the ending, the way the way the author made them go back through the wardrobe and when they get out of Narnia they have only been gone for a couple of minutes when in Narnia it was years. I also loved that she gave us a glimpse of what they did in Narnia and didn't just end it when they won the battle. Also at the end when there was that little part of them talking to the professor and how he told them that they would find themselves in Narnia when they least expect it, it almost made it seem like he had also visited in Narnia. These were some aspects that I enjoyed from the book.
     Some things that I didn't like  would be the lack of dialogue. I would have liked it better if their was more dialogue so we could get to see how the characters interacted with each other. I also didn't really like the beginning I would have liked if the author would have given me a little more background on the characters. We could have gotten to know them better and I could have understood why certain characters took the actions they took. But other than that the book was great and I really enjoyed it. 
      I can't wait to keep reading the rest of the books. I want to see if they ever go back to Narnia and of they do, do they go back and are they the same age as when they left or younger. I also wonder if any more evil characters appear and what happens then. Do they ever see Aslan again? The book was great and I recommend it to anyone. It's definitely a classic in my opinion. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like this blog post. The reason is because you took a simple book, and after reading it you pulled out the really complex ideas out, and talked about. Also, you criticized the book, and you have a reasonable explanation for it,and I agree with you. I have one question for you though; what is your definition of a classic book? Good blog post!
