Thursday, December 22, 2011

Twisted problems with people in the book!

      I'm currently reading the book Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson, this book is about a boy named Tyler who is in high school. In the book Tyler has a lot of problems with different people starting with his dad. He also has problems with kids at school. So he struggles and it's hard for him to control his emotions and anger. 
      His father is really mean to Tyler and his family. He treats his wife like she is the most retarded person on earth. He treats Tyler like a criminal and pushes him to do things he doesn't want to do. When they were at this party Tyler was arm wrestling Chip Milbury who is the son of Tyler's  dad's boss. And Tyler dad told him to make himself loose just so that his boss feels he has power and so that his boss doesn't get humiliated in front of all the important people at the party. I think that is what makes Tyler do so bad in school and not focus. He feels that he is forced to do what his dad wants just so his dad can appear like a big shot.  If I were Tyler I wouldn't have let myself loose I would have kept going so that I could win and I would stand up for myself because his dad is just plain mean. 
     Another person or persons Tyler has problems with at school is Chip and his friends. They believe Tyler is a dork and that they can do what they want to Tyler whenever they want. But what they don't notice is that Typer has changed since junior year he isn't the same dork he was. He got all tough and grew and they would stand a chance with him. But I wouldn't do what Tyler does in the book that is not a way to deal with problems. I would ignore them or report them to the principal's office. I wouldn't threaten them because fighting never leads to anything good. 
      I think that Tyler's obstacles aren't really things it's people. He doesn't know how to handle his anger and feels he has to unleash. But I do not like the way his father treats him, he makes him feel like garbage. I know that no kid likes to feel that way. Kids need their parents by their side even throughout very tough times. Reading this book is definitely teaching me lessons, it's teaching me how sometimes the pressure of a parent can lead you to do certain things just so you can be in their side and get a little of affection from them. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Appreciation for Flipped!

     I have finished reading the book Flipped by Wendlin Van Draanen. I really enjoyed reading this book because it was funny and interesting and the best part was that you got to see the problems from two different point of views.
      I really liked how the author really used a lot of detail to describe the characters feelings and use details to describe not only settings but feelings. I also liked how the author didn't use a lot of dialogue, I feel that when the book has a lot of dialogue it makes the book boring. I enjoyed the end of the book a lot. I feel like it was a good ending because both Bryce and Juli learned things about themselves and the people around them. I also really enjoyed how at the end Bryce notices that he has always had feelings for Juli and I enjoyed how he got jealous because she was eating with a another boy. It was a romantic yet mysterious ending and I love books that end that way. The secondary characters even though the story wasn't really about them they were ver well introduced and they were all important to the story in their own way. 
      Somethings that I didn't like  was that the book ended right when they noticed that they liked each other. It would have been interesting to see how they react after they finally talk to each other and confront each other. It left me with the curiosity and it left mystery. Another thing that I didn't like was the way the way the years went by so quick so it was just reading snippets of what had happened and their relationship had evolved  since Bryce moved in. I would have changed a couple of those things to make the book more fun but otherwise it was good.
     I really enjoyed this book, and would definitely recommend it to someone else. It is fun to see what kids go through in life and not just from one point of view but from two! I would read this book over and over again. It has become my new favorite and I think the author did a magnificent job writing the book for kids and I think adults might also enjoy it. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blog post Flipped issues/problems in the book

   In the book Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen, a lot of new things have occurred a lot of new problems have occurred. Julianna and Bryce have had a lot of mixed emotions about each other. Bryce has had problems with his grandad and his family is a mess.
       Julianna and Bryce had a problem over eggs. Juli being the nice and considerate person she is, would give Bryce and his family eggs for free that her chickens lay.Bryce would throw them out because his family thought they had salmonella and that they would get poisoned. Then one day Juli catches him and when he told her that he was throwing them out because they might poison them because she got them from her chickens who lived in hr messy backyard. She took it to heart and determined to fix her yard. I felt really mad at Bryce because he was extremely mean and he made Juli feel awful. Juli seems like a really strong person but inside I think she is very sensitive and she is in love with Bryce and to see it was coming from the person who she liked it must have affected her a lot. I like Juli in particular because she is determined and she never let's anything bring her down. Many people should learn from her because after what Bryce told her she was determined to fix her yard.
    Bryce grandad is another issue that Bryce has to deal with. Bryce's grandad is not mean with Bryce but he doesn't show Bryce that grandfatherly love that we all expect from our relatives. And I thunk that the problem gets even bigger when Bryce sees his grandfather helping Juli and that he preferred helping Juli instead of him. But then then later in the book he finds out his grandpa isn't such a bad person an actually likes him and then Bryce feels better.
      Bryce is also affected by his family. His dad insults the Bakers all the time and calls them retarded and thinks  that something is wrong with them. Bryce's mother thinks that they  have been really unjust with the Bakers and were too quick to judge them. I agree with Bryce's mom and think that everyone should get to know one another before you judge someone. I see that all time and sometimes I find myself doing the same. Then I feel bad about it because I wouldn't want people to judge when they haven't even got to know me yet.
    Bryce know is beginning to understand things he didn't know before and fixing mistakes he made. He also has to fix many of his problems because I think he would benefit from being friends with Juli and learn things about life. I would love to be friends with Juli she seems like the kind of person who would help me see things in a different perspective and help me see things more clearly.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blog post on the book Flipped #8

     In the book Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen, the book is told by two points of view. The first point of view is Bryce who is this boy who moves to a town where there is a girl named Julianna who is the other point of view of the story. I personally think that makes the book more interesting because you get two see the opinions and thoughts of two different people on the same topic. 
     Bryce in the book sees everything with a sort of negative perspective. He doesn't think posting and he always shown like a boring character but he isn't really. He thinks that everything that Julianna does is bad and that she abnormal. He also thinks she a know it all who is obsessed with him. I think that Julianna just acts like that because she doesn't have any friends and she sees something in Bryce that she didn't see in the other kids. I think Bryce on the other hand is afraid to accept what he truly feels for Julianna. He is afraid that if he becomes friends with her he will become just as crazy as her. If I were in Bryce's position I would be her friend maybe he will find that she is not so bad and is just trying to get accepted by someone for once in her life.
     Julianna is the more fun character she doesn't care if the gets covered in mud or if she different from all the other kids. Her perspective is the complete opposite of Bryce. She is absolutely in love with him. She always talks about how his eyes are the most amazing thing ever. Julianna is never afraid to try something new or day what is on her mind. Bryce is and I think that is what makes Julianna like him so much. She does make lots of effort to try and be his friend but he wants absolutely nothing to do with her. Sometimes I find myself reading the book and feeling sad for both of them. But in particular Julianna because Bryce can't learn to accept her for the say she is.
     I think that Bryce wants to be Julianna's friend but he is afraid to accept that. I think Bryce has to learn how to accept people for they are. Also he has so much pressure from his family because his dad and sister call him coward for being afraid of Julianna, so he gets even more scared if taking to her. He might just be afraid that Julianna won't accept him. But I think that they would make great friends because they somehow look like they can get along.   

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Girl In Translation by Jean Kwok (The issues of immagrating to America for a young chinese girl)

    I’m currently reading a book called Girl in Translation by Jean kwok. The book is about a girl named Kim who immigrates to America with her mom from Hong Kong. In the book Kim so far has been dealing with school, working in a sweatshop and living in a horrible apartment where the living conditions aren’t great.
     One of the problems Kim is facing right now is her home. She lives in this building where it appears to be only her mom and her living. She has to sleep on the same bed as her mom and the bed they use is just a mattress on the floor. The floorboards are so weak that when she and her mom walk on them they could collapse at any minute. There is a problem with rodents and roaches. She talks about how she can feel something walk across her every night and how they roaches crawl on the floor every day. She doesn’t have any good windows they are all cracked or there is plainly no window at all. They also don’t have any heat which means they freeze all night and the only thing covering the windows is trash bags. The saddest thing of all is that her aunt Paula doesn’t care she always tells Kim’s mom that they will move them somewhere better but they never do. Also Kim wants to go back to Hong Kong where her life wasn’t perfect but it was better than what she is going through now. I personally would stand to live in a house like that. I would rather go live in a shelter where I know there is someone there who is going to care for me and look after me.
     Another problem that Kim faces is school, her teacher Mr. Bogart always accuses her of cheating and gives her zeros. She even started skipping school because she didn’t want to go to class just because she felt that Mr. Bogart was going to pick on her. In Hong Kong she was the best student and she would always get a prize for being the best. I think that Mr. Bogart should cut her some slack because she just got to a new country and she doesn’t even speak English and she is just trying to learn like everyone else. She shouldn’t get treated that way and that isn’t very teacher like. Teachers are suppose to be there to teach us not bring us down.
     Kim’s life overall right now is very difficult and she is very young to be dealing with so many problems. She should be learning to get around not wearing about rats walking over her and feeling bad because of her teacher. If I were in her position I would have begged my parents to take me back to Hong Kong because I would not stand it. She is like a role model because as such young age she acting like an adult and sucking it up so her and her mom have a better future.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm still reading "When You Reach Me", and there are some serious social issues and other small ones. The main character Miranda talks aboout her life day by day and her thoughts on everything. The book has made me think about the world and how sometimes we say things and people might not understand or misinterpret us.
Something that i noticed in the book is that people misinterpret things which then they causes a bigger issue among the characters. Miranda called Julia this girl in the book Swiss Miss and then when somebody stole Jimmy's flinstone bank he said ghat it was Julia. I was very surprised and I asked my myself why JImmy would say that because in the book Julia is suppose to be a very rich person. Then Jimmy said a really racist comment. He was accessing Julia because she was black. I was extremely shocked and so were the characters in the book. I asked myself the same question Miranda did why would Jimmy say that just because she is black? Then he compared it to whatiranda said earlier and said he said it for the same reason Miranda had called her Swiss Miss. I think that the author put the issue of racism to show how sometimes what we say can be misinterpreted. I think that Jimmy should have thought about what he said befoe he said it. Its not correct to judge someone or accuse them of doing something just because of their skin color. Not everyone is the same. In Miranda's case I probably would gave told Jimmy that the comment about Julia wasn't what he thought it was from the beginning that way there wouldn't have been a confusion.
The next issue I wouldn't exactly say it was a major issue but the issue of acceptance and recongnizing that you were wrong about a person comes up in the book a lot. When Miranda notices that Julia isn't such a bad person is important. She notices that in life we have to learn to like them even if we dont like the person's attitude or the way they seem. Sometimes people turn out to be better than what we expect. That something this book taught me. We have to put aside people's differences and learn to like them or try to be friends with them. The issue of acceptance is important too. Miranda thinks that Annemarie will judge her because she doesn't live in the fanciest place. But what she doesn't realize is that it doesn't matter where she lives as long as she is happy and is healthy that's all that matters. I learned that you don't have to look at appearances but how the person is and if they are mean or nice. Sometimes we just have to learn how to be ourselves and not care about what others think.
In all there are some pretty important issue and each one taught me a different lesson. We have to think before we talk or take any sort of action towards somebody and also to accept life and how we are. All we need is to be happy and people will accept us that way.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Perspective for When You Reach Me.

I just started reading When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead, but as soon as I started reading the first chapter I noticed that the book is told through Miranda's perspective. At the beginning everything Is told through what Miranda and thinks and all of her dialogue, I think the sutho did this because she wanted us to feel like we were Miranda and see if we have the same perspective as Miranda.
Rebecca stead makes Miranda sound like a very mature sixth grader and makes her seem like a grown up. Usually we are used to seeing a sixth grader like a little kid and innocent, bu in this book she's not. I think the the author did this to show us the point of view of a very mature sixth grader of someone who has gone through things and gained knowledge of those things. I think that if she did the perspective through a sixth gader who hasn't experienced anything in life it would make the story more kid like and like innocent.
In the book there is a lot of perspectives missing. The mom has dialogue but the dialogue isn't as meaningful as Miranda's you don't learn anything from her dialogue. You never get the opinion the mother has on participating on $20,000 pyramid. All you get is how Miranda feels about it. You also don't get the moms boyfriend perspective and how he feels about the relationship with miranda and Miranda's mother. So Miranda is here the one that you have to focus on if you want to understand the book. I think that of the author put the perspective of the mom and the book still aloes about Miranda you would learn about how she feels about her daughter.I think it would make the book a little boring, because it would be like every other book that is told through someone else's perspective and not the person that you are reading about. This makes it much easier to figure out hoe the person feels and if you feel te same way.
I really appreciate this because it doesn't make it that hard for me to understand the book and then I can look at the small details that you don't look deep into. It makes you compare the book to the world, to yourself and to the bigger social action message that it is trying to teach you. It makes me think about myself and if, I have the same perspective as the protagonist.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Twilight blog post #4: protagonist

     I’m currently reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyers; the protagonist in the book is Bella Swan who just moved to Forks a small town in the state of Washington. In the book Bella is very self conscience and very afraid that whatever she does is going to be wrong.
     I say she is very self conscience because every little thing she does she worries about. She worries about how Edward will react to her and if that she does something in front of him she always asks herself whether she did it correct and weather Edward thought she was a idiot. I think that she shouldn’t care about what Edward thinks she should care about herself and that’s it. I would never be like Bella she makes me want to be the character in the book who goes up to her and shakes her shoulders and screams at her for thinking that whatever she does she does it wrong. If I were like Bella I would like somebody to tell me because it’s even more embarrassing when you let it go on for so long that people can notice it.
     Also there is this part in the beginning of the book where she is like will I stand out, am I wearing the correct clothes, will people judge me. Get over it! Of course people are going to talk you are going to be the new girl! It doesn’t always mean they are going to talk about you in a bad way, not all people are like that. Some people actually have a brain and a heart and they don’t care whether you are perfect.
     I think that Meyers was trying to show us what a person acts like when they think too much about themselves. This little part taught me that I shouldn’t always care about what other people think and just care what I think about myself. I hope to see if Bella will ever change as the book goes on and if Edward ever actually cares for what Bella does.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Appreciation for Gossip Girl #5

     I just finished reading the book Gossip Girl book #5. The book was about spring break and in this particular book I mostly read about people realizing very late in the book that the best thing they had they let go. Many characters in the book also noticed that they were in love with the wrong person or that they didn’t know enough about a person and they assumed that they were in love with that person.
     Blair thought that she was in love with Erik Serena’s older brother but what she didn’t know is that she was still in love with Nate. And that all she felt toward Erik was attraction. Nate also noticed that he was still in love Blair when he saw Georgie’s true colors. He saw a lot things that made him uncomfortable. He saw that she was wild and she was a free sprit and she wasn’t ready to settle down and actually be in a relationship. I really liked this because it showed that people sometimes make mistakes and let go of the person they love and find somebody new that makes them remember what they loved about the person they let go.
     In the book there was also jenny who thought she knew Leo but she didn’t. She thought that he was rich and that he lived in a palace. But when she realized that he was a boring person and that she didn’t want to spend time with someone who walked dogs and had old parents she found him unattractive. I didn’t really like this because it doesn’t matter who the person is or how they are we have to learn to accept them. If we love them we have to learn to like their defections.  
   In all I liked the book, but in some parts the author did the exact opposite of what I been taught, I been taught to love everybody and put asides their flaws and that we shouldn’t do things that will get me in trouble and especially not naked. What I did like was the part that the author makes the characters realize that they are in love with the person they let go and they don’t know how to get them back. I definitely learned a lot of positive and negative things from this book.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Wrinkle in Time: Entry from notebook " What do you think the land of Camazotz represents? what is L'Engle trying to tell the reader on a figurative level?

     In the book A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle, Camazotz represents anti-diversity and uniqueness. L’Engle was trying to teach us all a lesson that being different is okay. She as a child herself was very different from all the other kids. But that is what made her the great writer that she was. She showed me that being different is what made you be the way you are, it made me realize that you have to be yourself and you don’t always have to appeal to other people. It made me realize that when I grow up I will be someone great because I am myself and I’m not trying to imitate someone and I’m not trying to be someone I am not.
     I would like to connect the book A Wrinkle in Time to The Giver. The Giver also like the book A Wrinkle in Time showed us what it was like to live in a place where your life was planned out for you already and how you could never make a wrong choice. But when I was comparing the two books I thought to myself isn’t part of life learning to make mistakes and learning something from the bad choices we make. Nobody in this world is perfect we all make mistakes and sometime these mistakes turn us into a better person. Camazotz makes the reader believe that if you make a mistake you are in trouble because ‘It” the ruler makes you feel fear and if you’re not like everyone else you’re not perfect you don’t belong and “it” destroys you.
     Camazotz was a huge part of the book because it showed Meg that she didn’t need to fit in to accomplish her goals she needed to be herself. The she was unique in her own special way. She didn’t need to be a smart as Charles Wallace or as wise as Mrs. Who she needed to be Meg. On Camazotz she also found out that her dad wasn’t going to make her problems better it was her all along. She just needed that trip to Camazotz to show her that. Camzoztz showed me that it’s okay to be myself because that is what makes me unique.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Wrinkle in Time: character question

In A Wrinkle in Time, Meg who is the main character of the book always develops new traits. In the beginning of the book she was the kind of character that didn't have self confidence and still doesn't. She said/told herself that she did everything wrong. She also showed that she was the kind of person that would stand up for her family. An example of where she sticks up for her family is in the beginning of the book where she describes the fight she has with these two boys that insulted her little brother Charles Wallace. She is also does not trust people that easily, she feels as if she let's them get close to her they will hurt her. When she first met Mrs. Whatsit she was thinking to herself saying why was that lady here, she was she the tramp who was stealing and she got really crazy over it.
I also noticed that she can get to a point where she will not listen to anyone else and think that her answer and her idea is the correct one. Like when Charles Wallace says something she will always contradict him or say he is wrong but she does it because she wants to protect him. These are some of the traits she develops during the book. But not only she develops traits but different feelings for the people in the book.