Thursday, October 20, 2011

Twilight blog post #4: protagonist

     I’m currently reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyers; the protagonist in the book is Bella Swan who just moved to Forks a small town in the state of Washington. In the book Bella is very self conscience and very afraid that whatever she does is going to be wrong.
     I say she is very self conscience because every little thing she does she worries about. She worries about how Edward will react to her and if that she does something in front of him she always asks herself whether she did it correct and weather Edward thought she was a idiot. I think that she shouldn’t care about what Edward thinks she should care about herself and that’s it. I would never be like Bella she makes me want to be the character in the book who goes up to her and shakes her shoulders and screams at her for thinking that whatever she does she does it wrong. If I were like Bella I would like somebody to tell me because it’s even more embarrassing when you let it go on for so long that people can notice it.
     Also there is this part in the beginning of the book where she is like will I stand out, am I wearing the correct clothes, will people judge me. Get over it! Of course people are going to talk you are going to be the new girl! It doesn’t always mean they are going to talk about you in a bad way, not all people are like that. Some people actually have a brain and a heart and they don’t care whether you are perfect.
     I think that Meyers was trying to show us what a person acts like when they think too much about themselves. This little part taught me that I shouldn’t always care about what other people think and just care what I think about myself. I hope to see if Bella will ever change as the book goes on and if Edward ever actually cares for what Bella does.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you showed your opinion of the book and the way you end the post. I like how you said, "Some people actually have a brain and a heart and they don't care whether you are perfect." because it is very true. I also like the book you wrote the post about.
