Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm still reading "When You Reach Me", and there are some serious social issues and other small ones. The main character Miranda talks aboout her life day by day and her thoughts on everything. The book has made me think about the world and how sometimes we say things and people might not understand or misinterpret us.
Something that i noticed in the book is that people misinterpret things which then they causes a bigger issue among the characters. Miranda called Julia this girl in the book Swiss Miss and then when somebody stole Jimmy's flinstone bank he said ghat it was Julia. I was very surprised and I asked my myself why JImmy would say that because in the book Julia is suppose to be a very rich person. Then Jimmy said a really racist comment. He was accessing Julia because she was black. I was extremely shocked and so were the characters in the book. I asked myself the same question Miranda did why would Jimmy say that just because she is black? Then he compared it to whatiranda said earlier and said he said it for the same reason Miranda had called her Swiss Miss. I think that the author put the issue of racism to show how sometimes what we say can be misinterpreted. I think that Jimmy should have thought about what he said befoe he said it. Its not correct to judge someone or accuse them of doing something just because of their skin color. Not everyone is the same. In Miranda's case I probably would gave told Jimmy that the comment about Julia wasn't what he thought it was from the beginning that way there wouldn't have been a confusion.
The next issue I wouldn't exactly say it was a major issue but the issue of acceptance and recongnizing that you were wrong about a person comes up in the book a lot. When Miranda notices that Julia isn't such a bad person is important. She notices that in life we have to learn to like them even if we dont like the person's attitude or the way they seem. Sometimes people turn out to be better than what we expect. That something this book taught me. We have to put aside people's differences and learn to like them or try to be friends with them. The issue of acceptance is important too. Miranda thinks that Annemarie will judge her because she doesn't live in the fanciest place. But what she doesn't realize is that it doesn't matter where she lives as long as she is happy and is healthy that's all that matters. I learned that you don't have to look at appearances but how the person is and if they are mean or nice. Sometimes we just have to learn how to be ourselves and not care about what others think.
In all there are some pretty important issue and each one taught me a different lesson. We have to think before we talk or take any sort of action towards somebody and also to accept life and how we are. All we need is to be happy and people will accept us that way.

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