Thursday, December 22, 2011

Twisted problems with people in the book!

      I'm currently reading the book Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson, this book is about a boy named Tyler who is in high school. In the book Tyler has a lot of problems with different people starting with his dad. He also has problems with kids at school. So he struggles and it's hard for him to control his emotions and anger. 
      His father is really mean to Tyler and his family. He treats his wife like she is the most retarded person on earth. He treats Tyler like a criminal and pushes him to do things he doesn't want to do. When they were at this party Tyler was arm wrestling Chip Milbury who is the son of Tyler's  dad's boss. And Tyler dad told him to make himself loose just so that his boss feels he has power and so that his boss doesn't get humiliated in front of all the important people at the party. I think that is what makes Tyler do so bad in school and not focus. He feels that he is forced to do what his dad wants just so his dad can appear like a big shot.  If I were Tyler I wouldn't have let myself loose I would have kept going so that I could win and I would stand up for myself because his dad is just plain mean. 
     Another person or persons Tyler has problems with at school is Chip and his friends. They believe Tyler is a dork and that they can do what they want to Tyler whenever they want. But what they don't notice is that Typer has changed since junior year he isn't the same dork he was. He got all tough and grew and they would stand a chance with him. But I wouldn't do what Tyler does in the book that is not a way to deal with problems. I would ignore them or report them to the principal's office. I wouldn't threaten them because fighting never leads to anything good. 
      I think that Tyler's obstacles aren't really things it's people. He doesn't know how to handle his anger and feels he has to unleash. But I do not like the way his father treats him, he makes him feel like garbage. I know that no kid likes to feel that way. Kids need their parents by their side even throughout very tough times. Reading this book is definitely teaching me lessons, it's teaching me how sometimes the pressure of a parent can lead you to do certain things just so you can be in their side and get a little of affection from them. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Appreciation for Flipped!

     I have finished reading the book Flipped by Wendlin Van Draanen. I really enjoyed reading this book because it was funny and interesting and the best part was that you got to see the problems from two different point of views.
      I really liked how the author really used a lot of detail to describe the characters feelings and use details to describe not only settings but feelings. I also liked how the author didn't use a lot of dialogue, I feel that when the book has a lot of dialogue it makes the book boring. I enjoyed the end of the book a lot. I feel like it was a good ending because both Bryce and Juli learned things about themselves and the people around them. I also really enjoyed how at the end Bryce notices that he has always had feelings for Juli and I enjoyed how he got jealous because she was eating with a another boy. It was a romantic yet mysterious ending and I love books that end that way. The secondary characters even though the story wasn't really about them they were ver well introduced and they were all important to the story in their own way. 
      Somethings that I didn't like  was that the book ended right when they noticed that they liked each other. It would have been interesting to see how they react after they finally talk to each other and confront each other. It left me with the curiosity and it left mystery. Another thing that I didn't like was the way the way the years went by so quick so it was just reading snippets of what had happened and their relationship had evolved  since Bryce moved in. I would have changed a couple of those things to make the book more fun but otherwise it was good.
     I really enjoyed this book, and would definitely recommend it to someone else. It is fun to see what kids go through in life and not just from one point of view but from two! I would read this book over and over again. It has become my new favorite and I think the author did a magnificent job writing the book for kids and I think adults might also enjoy it. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blog post Flipped issues/problems in the book

   In the book Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen, a lot of new things have occurred a lot of new problems have occurred. Julianna and Bryce have had a lot of mixed emotions about each other. Bryce has had problems with his grandad and his family is a mess.
       Julianna and Bryce had a problem over eggs. Juli being the nice and considerate person she is, would give Bryce and his family eggs for free that her chickens lay.Bryce would throw them out because his family thought they had salmonella and that they would get poisoned. Then one day Juli catches him and when he told her that he was throwing them out because they might poison them because she got them from her chickens who lived in hr messy backyard. She took it to heart and determined to fix her yard. I felt really mad at Bryce because he was extremely mean and he made Juli feel awful. Juli seems like a really strong person but inside I think she is very sensitive and she is in love with Bryce and to see it was coming from the person who she liked it must have affected her a lot. I like Juli in particular because she is determined and she never let's anything bring her down. Many people should learn from her because after what Bryce told her she was determined to fix her yard.
    Bryce grandad is another issue that Bryce has to deal with. Bryce's grandad is not mean with Bryce but he doesn't show Bryce that grandfatherly love that we all expect from our relatives. And I thunk that the problem gets even bigger when Bryce sees his grandfather helping Juli and that he preferred helping Juli instead of him. But then then later in the book he finds out his grandpa isn't such a bad person an actually likes him and then Bryce feels better.
      Bryce is also affected by his family. His dad insults the Bakers all the time and calls them retarded and thinks  that something is wrong with them. Bryce's mother thinks that they  have been really unjust with the Bakers and were too quick to judge them. I agree with Bryce's mom and think that everyone should get to know one another before you judge someone. I see that all time and sometimes I find myself doing the same. Then I feel bad about it because I wouldn't want people to judge when they haven't even got to know me yet.
    Bryce know is beginning to understand things he didn't know before and fixing mistakes he made. He also has to fix many of his problems because I think he would benefit from being friends with Juli and learn things about life. I would love to be friends with Juli she seems like the kind of person who would help me see things in a different perspective and help me see things more clearly.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blog post on the book Flipped #8

     In the book Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen, the book is told by two points of view. The first point of view is Bryce who is this boy who moves to a town where there is a girl named Julianna who is the other point of view of the story. I personally think that makes the book more interesting because you get two see the opinions and thoughts of two different people on the same topic. 
     Bryce in the book sees everything with a sort of negative perspective. He doesn't think posting and he always shown like a boring character but he isn't really. He thinks that everything that Julianna does is bad and that she abnormal. He also thinks she a know it all who is obsessed with him. I think that Julianna just acts like that because she doesn't have any friends and she sees something in Bryce that she didn't see in the other kids. I think Bryce on the other hand is afraid to accept what he truly feels for Julianna. He is afraid that if he becomes friends with her he will become just as crazy as her. If I were in Bryce's position I would be her friend maybe he will find that she is not so bad and is just trying to get accepted by someone for once in her life.
     Julianna is the more fun character she doesn't care if the gets covered in mud or if she different from all the other kids. Her perspective is the complete opposite of Bryce. She is absolutely in love with him. She always talks about how his eyes are the most amazing thing ever. Julianna is never afraid to try something new or day what is on her mind. Bryce is and I think that is what makes Julianna like him so much. She does make lots of effort to try and be his friend but he wants absolutely nothing to do with her. Sometimes I find myself reading the book and feeling sad for both of them. But in particular Julianna because Bryce can't learn to accept her for the say she is.
     I think that Bryce wants to be Julianna's friend but he is afraid to accept that. I think Bryce has to learn how to accept people for they are. Also he has so much pressure from his family because his dad and sister call him coward for being afraid of Julianna, so he gets even more scared if taking to her. He might just be afraid that Julianna won't accept him. But I think that they would make great friends because they somehow look like they can get along.