Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Bad Beginnings: problems with characters at the beginning of the book

   I recently started reading The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. the book is about three children named Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire. Their parents die in a fire and they are forced to go live with a distant relative named Count Olaf who treats them horrible and just takes them in because he wants the family fortune.
    When the Baudelaire go to live with Count Olaf, they get treated horribly and are forced to do things that are not meant for children. He makes them cook, clean and forces them to live in a small room with only one bed. They have to make a be for Sunny out of curtains and Violet and Klaus have to take turns sleeping in the bed. I seriously think Count Olaf should go to jail for treating the kids so unfair. They shouldn't be forced to clean and cook for Count Olaf because they are just kids. They also shouldn't be sleeping in those unsanitary conditions. if I were them I would run away and go to an orphanage, at least there they would get treated better than why they get treated with Count Olaf. 
     The worst part of all is that Count Olaf is just doing it to get the money that the Baudelaire inherited. Count Olaf just cares about himself and will do anything to get it. I think that he will even get to a point  where if the only way to get the money is to kill them he would. I would never do that to anyone it's a horrible thing to do. They are just kids and shouldn't have to be owing through all this stress and worry. That just shows that Count Olaf doesn't have a heart he is selfish and a meanie. 
    I can't wait to see what happens next. I wonder if they stay with Olaf or if they escape? What if they do escape will Olaf chase after them? I personally think they do escape but who knows anything can happen.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

MockingJay Appreciation!

    I just finished reading MockingJay which by the way was an incredible book. I never thought I would actually enjoy reading, but I was wrong it was really good and the author did a perfect job!
      I liked a lot of things about the book. I liked how the characters were very detailed and you could easily understand them and sometimes even relate to them. I also liked how well the setting was described, I could easily picture where everything was placed and it made it better for me to make a movie in my head. The way the book was organized was also really good. You understand the problem was leading to the problem and how it was resolved. The was complete and I could understand and sometimes I felt like I was actually in the story and when you can do that you know you are reading a good written book. 
      Something I would have changed would have to be how a lot of the book talked about Katniss and her relationship with Gale and Peeta. I would have also liked if the book were told from different perspective it would have made the book a little more interesting. Also I would have liked to have known more about the small characters even though they were small not really big characters they were very important to the book. But I think the book over all was amazing.
      I would definitely recommend this book to another person. It was a very good book because it had a lot of details and you knew exactly was happening when you were reading. It was also good because it made you think about the problems happening and it made you think about how the world would be if we were in a war and everything that happened in the book were to happen in the real world. Over all a fabulous book! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Katniss problems right now toward the end of the book.

I'm currently at the end of MockingJay and the rebels have been training to defeat the Capitol. But their is a twist Coin has now sent Peeta to the Capitol where Katniss her squad and other squads have been shooting propos to show that the rebels are ready to take on the Capitol. The only reason Coin sent Peeta is because she wants Katniss dead. But if Katniss dies Coin's chances of defeating the Capitol are pretty much over.
    Coin sees Katniss as a threat. She knows that Katniss being the MockingJay has great influence over the people of Panem, and that if they defeat the Capitol and it's time to pick new leader or decide who is charge Katniss will have great influence over the people. If Katniss suggest a person they will probably go with who she chose because she is the MockingJay and defeated Snow. So Coin only used Katniss to het what she wanted, she wanted Katniss to unite the districts so that they could defeat the Capitol and then she wanted Katniss dead. And who better than Peeta to do it. I think that was a very bad move on Coin's part. Didn't she know that Katniss was going to figure it out sooner or later. Sending Peeta was a bad choice because that was the main clue that Coin wanted Katniss dead. Peeta hates Katniss and will do anything to kill her, which is good for Coin but also gives her plan away.
    Right now Katniss needs to take control. She already knows Coin's plan and right bow is not the time to follow orders. She needs to go to the Snow's headquarters and defeat him. She has the Holo which is what
She wanted all along now she just be careful and make sure that she can get to Snow without anything standing in her way. She needs to put Peeta aside she needs to focus on what is really important eight now and then go back to the things affecting her personal life. That is what I would do if I were on her shoes. Take control and complete my mission which in her case is kill Snow. 
     Katniss is caught up in too much drama. She has a lot of pressure. But she needs to put that at the back of her mind. She is the MockingJay and is suppose to be the one that will kill Snow so that they don't have to live under his rules anymore. I think she it time for her to think her plan through and go through with it then she can also think about how to deal with Coin who has now also become her enemy.