Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kiki and Ananka's personalities and relationship compare and contrast

     In my book Kiki Strike: Inside Shadow City by Kristen Miller the main character Ananka sees a girl named Kiki Strike who is very mysterious and manages to go unnoticed for a while. To Ananka she is such an amazing and interesting character that Ananka even starts following her around. Eventually Ananka gets caught by Kiki and they become friends. Kiki is a very quiet, mysterious character she is also very secretive and dark it seems as though she is hiding a deep secret and if it gets out  the world could end. Ananka on the other hand is different she is very curious she isn't as mysterious and seems like a very adventurous person even though she doesn't really feel like she is important at all. I think that is what makes their friendship or partnership work.           Kiki Strike isn't trying to fit in, she isn't like most girls she isn't worried about what she wears or what she does, she is just a normal girl living her life very low key. I say low key because nobody at Atlanta School for girls really knew her until Ananka saw her and then only Ananka knew about her. She always manages to disappear or just never be around so nobody ever really even notices that she there. Ananka is different, I guess you could say that she does want to fit in and that she doesn't like to just be a plain girl and not be able to fit in a group. She is like many girls today worried about their appearance and wether or not they get picked on. She is similar to Kiki is that she is pretty low key too. She tries not to get in anyones  way so that they don't pick on her. She is also similar to Kiki in that they both are sort of adventurous. They both found Shadow city which no one else knows about. And then when Kiki and Ananka meet they both decide they are going to try and find another way to get Shadow city and explore it. So Ananka and Kiki are similar but are also very different.         Both girls are very different but that is what makes their friendship work. Kiki mysteriousness and Ananka's adventurous personality both help them recruit people to explore Shadow  City. Kiki helps keep it a secret and Ananka has that drive to discover and explore Shadow city that they work great together. Their friendship is very unique I would say because now in days people aren't really friends with people who have different personalities.  We are so use to trying to fit in with a group that we forget who we truly are and with these girls it's different they can still be friends even though they are very different. I wish I could be like that but I know I'm not and I don't think anyone really is.          In conclusion we can see how Kiki and Ananka are very different but also similar. We also see how their different personalities and characteristics help their friendship and partnership. Also we can see how their friendship is very different from friendships today. I can't wait to see how this all unfolds and how they work together to discover and explore Shadow City.